| Table of contents Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. vol.2 no.1 Florianópolis June 2002 Editorial | | | | Zanelli, José Carlos | | | Articles | | | | · Women's work: a gender approach contributions Siqueira, Maria Juracy Toneli
| | | | · Value priorities and brazilian regions: predictors of organizational civism Porto, Juliana Barreiros; Tamayo, Alvaro
| | | | · Citizenship behaviors of university teachers: the promising childhood of the construct Rego, Arménio
| | | | · Trust: production modes and main predictors in research teams' partnerships Lima, Suzana Maria Valle; Machado, Magali dos Santos; Castro, Antônio Maria Gomes de
| | | | · Organizational and individual impacts of training: an analysis based on an institutional evaluation model and on the multilevel theory Borges-Andrade, Jairo E; Pereira, Maria Helena G.; Puente-Palácios, Katia E; Morandini, Daniela Cecília
| | | Review | | | | · A dor que vem do trabalho Batista, Analía Soria
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